Went to Pope John, so NO IDEA what you just wrote. Just kidding. Yes, not staying in touch with good/great friends takes effort, and I also have slacked off in that regard. Life does that.

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The political and Navy stuff is always interesting, but I'm here for the stories. They are always a good read.

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Shit Show is appropriate for current Congress. That said the GOP this life long Republican used to belong to doesn’t exist. You should stop using the term. Congress has many problems but extremism of the Trump Cult is one of the biggest. They are not really conservatives. Trump Administration’s add of over 8 Trillion in debt is evidence of that. I agree that entitlement reform is one of the essential steps if we are ever to get the budget under control. Additionally reducing the size of the bloated federal Government essential. Most importantly the Congress must reform its ridiculous and arcane parliamentarian rules and no member of Congress should receive a pay check if they don’t pass a federal budget under normal order.

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Next year will be 70 years since HS graduation. The Happy Days show celebrated that era. I did not live the Happy Day life style. Thanks for the prompt to revisit those years as they were good times even when living on the edge of poverty.

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The real problem with Washington DC is that the ability to throw around "bribes" is ending. Tax reform? Not when BOTH parties treat people earning 4x the median income has barely scraping by. Entitlement reform? The same.

And, maybe someone should have gone to a better college?;)

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