
Thank you for reading and commenting, Admiral!

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Bryan, et.al. A few observations, non sequiturs, and background...

1. Navy must fix its reputational shortcomings regarding shipbuilding. We, along with Army, wasted $billions in procurement. We need some successes.

2. Every JROC visit, flag indoc visit, COCOM or service chief testimony will include statements about a growing mission area, a dearth of assets, and a pall of risk. And, politically, it is risky for politicians to push an increase in defense spending--on either side of the aisle.

3. 'People in Peoria' and the phone-focused generation don't quite get the Taiwan - China - USA issue. 4. What winning or losing looks like in SEA remains a deep mystery to even the wargame-players. But if talking to small town America concerns losing GPS, electricity, rural water, and Walmart...and all future LEO satellites for generations, then they get interested...and not in way that leans forward militarily in the South China Sea.

Let the broadsides begin...

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