Your substack is a damn good read. Thank God for it too. The two major news networks don't seem to realize there's war in Europe...with Russia! They're only capable of screeching from one political scandal to the next - the TMZ paradigm for politicos. Your work puts ideas over party/personality. Thank you!

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Thank you, Sir!

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Great to have you!

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Ward Carroll recommended you to this old Libtard. I am one of the lucky ones born in 1935 so too young for WW2 and Korea. In that respect like my dad born in 1902. He helped raise the ships sunk at Pearl and other constructions jobs around the world. The Cold War and Vietnam were my wars as a civilian. I worked on ICBM's, armored military vehicles and NASA's wind tunnels.

We probably don't agree much on solutions to societies problems. Maybe my politics comes from those eras as well as having an autistic son. I think we agree that the strong and capable must help and protect the weak and powerless. The arguments should be over who is weak and how much help. I guess I have a very wide definition of weak.

I am also the one of the very lucky one's who married an amazing woman. She flew her 172 down to a AOPA event in Buckeye AZ last weekend. All the way from Metropolitan Cool, CA. Yes, there is a town named Cool. Summer name, "Hotter Than the Hinges to the Doors To Hell".

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Well said about Fox news. Hopefully this may be a start of a long process of introspection by the Republican party about their complicity in conning a large percentage of the US population but I wouldn't bet on it. There needs to be a complete analysis of who, why, where and when the wheels came off and a careful and thoughtful course correction but in place. As a center-right moderate I think this is what is best for our country; the truly crazy discourse as promoted by FOX news has done serious damage to our country and democracy. Republicans did this once before with the John Birch Society but history repeats itself and party leaders did not learn the lesson, in fact, have become even more extreme

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Well put!

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