Since the early days of my relationship with my wife we have desired to not only own a boat but live on one. We traded in the house for a beautiful heavy timber yacht 6 years ago and have no regrets. True, there is plenty to do to maintain such a boat, but so is maintaining a house. If I had to pick which pain in the ass I would rather deal with, the boat in most cases always wins.

My father was a WWII Pacific navy veteran and his most happy place was on the family boat. He could be dealing with the most challenging situation yet in did not matter. He was on the boat!

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Jun 17Liked by Bryan McGrath

"and proceeded to collide with another sailboat" --> I burst out laughing, not that this is a laughing matter. Ahem. As for sailing, I have one small weeklong experience with it. On one of my favorite trips we've made, before we had kids, we went with a group of friends on a sailing trip around the BVI. We rented 2 sailboats because we had two sailors (not Sailors) who were quite adept at it back on Lake Michigan (UMich engineering faculty-sailors.) We were all good friends and did what our two captains told us to do. It was work but so interesting. At night, we sang songs in the galley to guitar music one of the others played for us. We swam among the bioluminescence. I loved that trip. Safe and happy travels!

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Boats and swimming pools are holes into which you pour money 💰

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Jun 17Liked by Bryan McGrath

Trad Dad here. Bedtime negotiations never got a toehold in the house. For each child, my wife and I established the kids’ bedtime routine early on by asking them what they would need to do to get ready for bed. Pajamas? Done. Drink of water? Done. Single bedtime story? Done. Kisses? Done. I love you, good night.

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Jun 17Liked by Bryan McGrath

Great article to start the week. My hubby was on a destroyer escort (USNA) and he's pretty happy to stay on land, with the exception of river cruises, where everything is taken care of for you, LOL. Unfortunately, I'm a "take a dramamine" every time we're on the ocean. Our daughter, SIL, and g-kids are all active boaters, fishers, scallopers. G-bless them!

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Jun 17Liked by Bryan McGrath

Wishing you safe travels and a happy summer as well. Cheers,

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