I will gladly take you up on your suggestion to head on over to Newsmax or a different resource and alternative opinions concerning the former President , Donald J Trump , as in you expressing firmly that he not be present in any capacity in government and that he presents a threat to National Security. Also I don’t need any clarification from you to as why you are of this opinion or the reason. you why you declined to clarify your position . Let’s just say we can agree to disagree. The only thing that I will add here is my belief that your claims are absurd and the fact that many Americans as well as many subscribers on this platform don’t agree with your take on the former President . Also I will be unsubscribing to this subscription. By you making that statement about the former President tells me all I need to know . I wasn’t and am not impressed with your comments even remotely .

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Something like resolving Catch 22?


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I wholeheartedly agree! Ron DeSantis is not Donald Trump. Tim Scott definitely isn’t Donald Trump. I don’t like all of DeSantis’s policies by any stretch, but he isn’t “the end of conservatism” or whatever. I’ve been very disappointed in the NeverTrumpers who seem to be rooting for Trump to get the nomination again because they’ve joined the center-left. I share your distaste for calling the nationalists conservative as well. The main reason I’m such a fan of guys like Jonah Goldberg is that they didn’t change their positions over the last eight years, either in the Trumpy populist direction, or in the center-left direction. In 2015 (in college), I told my liberal and conservative friends that Donald Trump wasn’t a conservative. Essentially nothing has changed about that basic assessment.

Agree with you on the debt ceiling too.

“ The single most effective way to attack Trump and Trumpism is the tried and true path of the rule of law, limited and divided government, individual liberty, and national strength. While these quaint notions are out of fashion with both the AOC Left and the NatPop Right, a governing majority exists in this lane for the skillful (and visionary) conservative movement.”

Man, I hope you’re right about that majority. I’m far more pessimistic about that then I used to be.

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Awesome as usual.

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Why are we seeing Republicans using what they used to call government over-reach ( Desantis/Abbot)? What tactics would a minority of Americans use to bring back what they believe to be the ideal state of the country? I'm thinking little tools like the debt limit, filibuster and of course, two Senators per state regardless of population. Voters may have indirectly put the debt limit in place, but it's being used to try and overturn budgets, previously agreed to by a much larger majority of elected politicians. The time to get smaller, larger or different budget provisions is when the budget is being created. If someone's ideal budget doesn't happen, welcome to democracy.

Would I want to enter a contract to build a major bridge for the Federal government if they may renege on the deal?

Here Heather Cox Richardson discusses early signs of Fascism:


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Never was a fan of da Donald back in da 80’s... only got worse. And worse. Sad the sheep only get shorn.

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Yeah, if you DON'T remember what woke you up screaming, it's probably for the best.

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