Musk reminds me somewhat of Rene Anselmo. Rene made his fortune with Telemundo in South America. He wanted to expand to satellite customers. He saw what companies were charging and knew he could do it cheaper. In digging into it, those satellite companies weren’t “companies” at all. They were all owned by coalitions of countries. After years of lobbying he ended up putting out a full page ad in, I think, The NY Times. Charles Schultz of Peanuts created a mascot named Spot. A dog wearing a spacesuit. The motto at the top of the ad was, “The triumph of truth and technology over bullshit and bureaucracy.” He finally got permission to launch a satellite. The first non-government satellite ever. HBO had signed on as the first customer but the whole thing was done with his personal money.

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Dang! I went back and re-read you post and now have to comment on Musk

His is not a genius. He did not invent the EV, he did not invent space x, he did not invent connecting brains to computers.

That said, I give him massive credit for dumping tons of money into these projects. Money that other investors were placing in stock buybacks and creation of monopolies. He made the incumbent car mfgs get off their dead asses and put some effort into EVs. He funded engineers and techs to go back to the drawing board on rockets and communication satellites. He funded research into connecting brains to computer. Researchers had to go begging for funding from the government that had other priorities. Private investors could see not profit in it. I worked with a number of engineers in wheel chairs and I can see a chair in my near future.

He is a wild man who's personal life should not be emulated, but even assholes can fund useful innovation.

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Your last line is a reality check that everyone should internalize. This because it forces a simple trade off equation, in hopefully a rational mind,: What's more important to me ? The result and value to me of the innovation, Or the fact an asshole did it? Said another way, what's more important? Reality to your life ? Or your perceived virtue in labeling the person an asshole? Food for thought, and a measure of maturity in this world of imperfections . Choose

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What I got from the debate was that Kamala toyed with Donald like a cat playing with a mouse. I wonder if we need a president who is so easily toyed with by foreign despots who hate our system.

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I see you have been "Woked" by the EV mafia.

My wife has a Tesla, which I will not drive till she puts a dent or scratch in it. I am only a passenger.

She loves it.

We frequently drive from Auburn CA to Donner Lake on the 80. I don't know what mode the car is in but it does funny things with trucks on curves that make me stomp the gas, in my imagination, and yank the steering wheel. It works fine for us as we have fast charging stations at our normal destinations at the lake and Saratoga CA. For long distance and pulling the horse trailer we have a truck.

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Haven't been "woked" by anyone. In my professional life, I spend an AWFUL lot of time talking about moving the Surface Navy to a place where the software that runs its ships can be developed, tested, and certified ashore, and then "beamed" to the ship in order to update capability. Musk really got things started for cars years ago, and the brand I bought is deeply into it. The technology and the power--that's why I bought this car.

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I play with words. Woke was a thing for a while. I have no idea what woke is supposed to mean other than awake. I think you became awake to the possibilities of a EV. I hope for a big break through on battery technology which will drive transportation off IC engines and the world dependance on the petroleum states.

The navy like any large organization has a mass that is difficult to get to move quickly. Like a co-worker told me, his job was to lean on the brick wall till it moved. Good luck leaning on the navy wall.

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Lucids are super lookers.

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If you have the time and stomach for it, go view some of the Bulwark YouTubes on the "debate".

Reagan was mentioned so go read the new book on Reagan by Max Boot. I read "Dutch" back in the day. The one thing that sticks in my mind was when Reagan took Gorbachev's offer to end the Cold War. Reagan deserves the sainthood for that pivot. We however fucked up the transition and got Putin.

I also give great Kudos to GHWBush for START.

Full disclosure: I have voted for only one republican in my long life.

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I chose not to watch the debate nor the highlights afterward with MSM carnie barkers interpreting every nuance to enhance the horror of it all in order to assist me in my thinking. And, I only skimmed this review, but thank you for the effort that I am sure you put in to it. I feel pretty good about this. Those episodes of watching the Kerry v. Bush and Gore v. Bush post-election mud wrestling had me screaming at my television, the veins standing out on my forehead and I damn near swallowed my tongue several times. Nope. No more of that ...not going to have a stroke before I vote, in person at my precinct, in November. It'll be for the lesser of two weevils.

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I applaud your restraint.

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Musk is in disfavor among many on the left - especially the children (anyone under 40). Meh. (Seriously...the man has single handedly reclaimed Space for America, is the CEO of 5 other companies, employs thousands...there are more reasons to admire than dislike him.) He cares not for their views - political or otherwise - even though his vehicles satisfy their misplaced desire for less CO2 at any cost. If you live in a city, EVs may make sense. If you live anywhere rural or cold, maybe a reliable auxiliary internal combustion engine to accompany the Battery would would make more sense. (Check out Liquid Piston as a future option.) Whatever. Gimme my 22 MPG F-150 any day. // As to the debate, your assessment is mostly correct. They are both terrible candidates. He because he's a narcissist jerk, she merely for abject incompetence.

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Harris during the debate - "As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, for the first time this century." Any one of us with an understanding of current events could have fact checked immediately as wrong (i said not true as soon as she said it), citing both recent US military deaths, injuries, and attacks against US bases and ships in the Middle East. How a person so closely connected to the Commander-in Chief over the last 3+ years does not know this is treacherous and a dereliction of duty. How harmful to the morale of the men and women serving in harm's way today.

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Her never a terrorist at Camp David was also patently wrong.

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My sons calls Musk a monster. I'll leave it at that. Many seem to be suggesting that if you consider the environmental impact of the entire manufacturing/driving process ( not just tailpipe emissions), you're better off driving your old gas car until the wheels fall off.

Travel is an interesting topic, by car, ship or airliner. Progressives often become blind and/or unserious when it comes to reducing travel -- just can't let it go. Studies show somewhere between 1 and 7 tons of CO2 emitted, per passenger, on a flight from L.A. to London. I've cut my auto travel down to 6k miles per year ( retirement makes that feasible).

Either travel has no bearing on the environment, or it does and it will take disasters to convince anybody of the need to reduce it.

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Freedom of movement is important for freedom. No papers? No papers.

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Put on your shoes and start walking :-)

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no idea

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I'm not terribly interested in the environmental questions pertaining to my purchase.

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That's your right. I'm thinking of my kids and grandkids.

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You do you.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Please tell me you still have the Jaguar.

I didn’t perceive the fact checking to be biased as much as a situation where the VP says unverifiable things that don’t answer the question posed; e.g., her “I was raised a middle-class kid…” spiel instead of discussing her economic policies, whereas Trump states things he delivers as fact with numbers that can be verified. It’s really two different varieties of barnyard effluent.

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I have neither Jag.

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Congrats on the new wheels. I hope it does well by you. How long will it take to charge on a road trip where you have to use the slower chargers?

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Not sure yet. Will have to get used to the environment of charging.

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We went hybrid after my beloved 2009 Sonata passed. Its been a week of daily driving and we are almost through quarter of a tank. Electrics are great so long as they aren't your travel the country car. Right now I think Hybrids still win the true cost to own if a reliable model.

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