I was going to replace our horse trailer hauling diesel truck with an EV till I learned of how far it would go when pulling two horses. I might get 6 miles up and down the American River Canyon to Auburn CA on 49

My wife loves her Tesla as we are positioned half way between our usual destinations that have charging stations. I am sure she will replace her 172 with an EV version, if and when battery tech allows one. Electric motors are more reliable than air cooled aircraft IC engines.

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I learned of the brain memory fingers back in the 4th grade. The teach had spell downs between boys and girls. I was always the first boy to go down and the girls always won. I decided I was going to fix that. We had a 50 word list to memorize. I started writing the words down from memory and checking my spelling. The test was once a week so I worked after school and on weekends. I got to the point where I would spell down all the girls. Winning!!!!

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Re your EV. Don't forget that using the A/C or heater can reduce the range by 20%-40%.

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Larger letters are easier to read even if they don’t look good. Worst comes to worst, large block print letters can make handwriting readable.

I, too, used to vote for the guy or gal with the R, even if I didn’t know anything about him or her. No more. It’s not just Trump. Mark Robinson. Matt Gaetz. Lauren Boebert. Etc.

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The Democrats are what they mostly always have been--the party of less-good policy ideas within the normal range of policy ideas. OTOH, the Republicans, formerly the party of less-bad policy ideas within the normal range of policy ideas, have mutated into a personality cult wherein the demands of the cult-leader outweigh the demands of citizenship, service, honor, and decency.

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Brian: I share some of your concern about the direction of our “new” populist GOP. I comfort myself with the thought that absent the millions of blue collared former Democrats on the rolls, the silk stocking Republicans would remain a perpetual minority in US politics. I served in the first Reagan administration and will argue that the Gipper recruited considerable numbers of disaffected Democrats. I have decided to take his Holyness’ advice and “choose the lesser of two evils.”

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4 hrs agoLiked by Bryan McGrath

First let me say that I've reached that 7 decade milestone a few years back. It's a right we earn. Proud of it. At least I'm not short circuiting right now. As far as the EV, I remember the very first Oil Embargo in 1973. Being able to buy 10 galoons of gas every other day was a nuisance. I had a 67 Mustang with a 289 High Performance and four in the floor. I'm old enough to remember GAS at .17 cents a gallon. Tried a CRV hybrid. Good car, but does take some time getting used to driving. At some point in time, perhaps, the technology will be sufficient enough to convince me to go completely EV. Probably not in my lifetime though. You brought up the subject of voting. I've posted on here before on how I have always voted and this time around there is not any candidate with the "Right Stuff" for my vote. I didn't say who or if I would even vote this time around. I still haven't made my mind up, but will consider a write-in if that choice is available on the ballot. We do have an immigratoin problem that is very complicated. Perhaps a simple solution, if you are here illegally, deport back to your country of origin. Enforce the time limits set in legitimate immigration visas. Answer the question of why is the conditions in the host country such that people are willing to leave their homes for a better opportunity for living? That brings up the issue of the entitlements in our own country. Are these entitlements a big draw for these immigrants to leave their own homes in their country? I would have to say yes. If conditions in these countries are so atrocious, is our country giving any foreign aid to that country? Stop it if this is happening. As I said, very complicated. Can't solve it in this short piece. But getting back to those seven decades. We survived Vietnam and the social unrest of the sixties and early seventies, I suspect we'll survive today as well. Mr. Brokkaw has referred to the WWII generation as the greatest generation. I might have to disagree with that. Those of us who survived the social unrest and the Vietnam war are the greatest generation.

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I watched this video the other day talking about how English is written in a foreign language; Latin. There are, in fact, two sets of symbols in use. The printed characters are pretty uniform but cursive has much more variation. Even for “correct” lettering.


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Thanks for the chuckles over the recharging bit. My day's starting off on a smile.

I write on every possible thing--notebooks, post-its, scrap paper--you name it. Sorry, trees. I'm constantly taking notes for my coaching classes, never to be looked at again. A processing tool to be sure. Post-its, on the other hand, can one live without them?

I'll make the change to EV one of these days, but ugh, the personal rewiring involved. I can do it though. If you can do it, I want to do it too. :-)

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"Anything I can do, you can do better. You can do anything better than me!"

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Lol. Okay, then. An EV it is! Hope your week goes well, old friend. ("Old" in all senses of the word, though I'm older than you--BARELY.)

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One thing that helps with penmanship is practicing with square-rule paper. Most of us learned to write in the first grade with Big Chief pads (do they still make those?) and then graduated to white college rule or yellow pads which use the regular (single) rule lines.

However, most other parts of the world use square-rule type of paper. It's like our graph paper but with simple vertical and horizontal lines across the page. This "boxed" writing paper forces the writer to stay within the four corners of the square, creating more uniform letter size and spacing. It really helps. If you've ever seen examples of European handwriting, is it much cleaner and more uniform than our scribbles. That's because they learn as kids to keep their letters within the four lines.

So if you are rewiring your handwriting, start with the square rule paper. You can find these notebooks and pads in high-end paper and pen stores. Good luck!

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Yes, last I checked, they still make Big Chief tablets. Laddie pencils? I know not.

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Thank you!

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10 hrs agoLiked by Bryan McGrath

Although I never voted while I wore the uniform (I made a conscious decision to stay apolitical), I became very active in local politics after retiring and it was certainly a learning experience. Agree with your position, and totally get your persective on the (R) and having to rewire the brain when it comes to voting for candidates in today's elections. Character matters, indeed.

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Removed (Banned)5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago
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Today's GOP loves LEGAL immigrants? Then what are Trump and Vance doing bashing the LEGAL immigrants in Springfield, Ohio? Trying to stir up racial hatred so as to boost their fading chances of winning in November, that's what.

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