
Don't want to be too pedantic....but the Framers didn't set up a two party system. You can check the Constitution--doesn't exist there. That a two-party system evolved (and has stayed nearly constant at two) is not unforeseeable from the structure of the constitution, but it is not formalized in any way in the governing docs. We got problems here, but not having a parliament and a multi-party system isn't (in my view) among them. Having shitty parties...is very much a problem.

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As an outsider, the US two party system is so entrenched that alternative parties are impossible. Here in Australia as well as in Europe, there would be at least four major parties representing the far left and right as well as the centre left and right. But because of that entrenchment, you're stuck with extreme wings of both parties holding the country to ransom. In the rest of the civilised world, these people still exist, but their voter base is small enough that they rarely gain enough legislative seats to be effective and the centre can still at least somewhat govern.

I am generalising a lot obviously, but I think it is the two party system setup by the Framers that is to blame for what has transpired since arguably Gingrich in the 1990s.

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Excellent. This is like a clown riding a goat into the show.

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That's the second recommendation of Keller's book in <2 weeks. I took the hint early (truly Divine intervention) and have a copy next to me right now on my desk. When my down moments with work stuff are not filled with the highest priority of giving dear kitty cuddles, I shall start in to it.

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